中文 | 英文 |
本尊 | Yidam(或稱 Deity) |
成就 | Accomplishments(梵語:siddhi) |
加持 | Waves of grace |
灌頂 | Empowerment |
護法 | Protector |
勇父 | Dakas |
空行母 | Dakinis |
業 | Karma |
苦 | Suffering |
有情眾生 | Sentient Beings |
眾生 | Beings |
非人 | Nonhumans |
涅盤 | Nirvana |
身口意 | Body, speeching, mind |
龍族 | Naga |
獻曼達 | Mandala offering |
念珠 | Mala |
手印 | Mudra |
食子、朵瑪 | Torma |
清除障礙 | Clear obstacles |
方便 | Method |
空性 | Emptiness |
放生 | Animal Liberation |
慈悲 | Compassion |
燈供 | Light offering |
薈供、供養 | Puja |
禪修 | Meditation |
大手印 | Mahamudra |
三年閉關 | Three-year retreat |
三昧耶 | Samays |
三根本 | Three roots |
三寶 | Three jewels |
三門 | Three gates |
三世 | Three times |
四種事業 | Four activities |
四聖諦 | Four noble truth |
轉心四思維 | Four thoughts that turn the mind |
四無量心 | Four infinite wishs |
四加行 | Four foundation practices |
五戒 | Five virtus |
六道輪迴 | Six realms of samsara |
七支供養 | Seven branch prayer |
八正道 | Eightfold noblepath |
八不自在 | Eight non-freedoms |
八無暇 | Eight unrestful states |
八吉祥 | Eight auspicious symbols |
世間八法 | Eight worldly concerns |
十六羅漢 | Sixteen arhats |
十方 | Ten directions |
十善業 | Ten principles of virtuous conduct |
出離心 | Renunciation |
密乘戒 | Tantric vows |
居士戒 | Lay vows |
受皈依戒 | Taking refuge vows |
受菩薩戒 | Taking bodhisattva vows |
壇城 | Mandala |
功德 | Merit |
法身 | Dharmakaya |
報身 | Sambhogakaya |
化身 | Nirmanakaya |
佛 | Budda |
法 | Dharma |
僧 | Sangha |
經 | Sutra |
塔 | Stupa |
咒 | Mantra |
經旗 | Mantras prayer flag |
唐卡 | Thangka |
淨土 | Pure land |
伏藏 | Terma |
儀軌 | Sadhana |
口傳 | Textual transmission |
仁波切 | Rinpoche |
根本上師 | Root guru ; Tsaway lama |
大成就者 | Siddha |
金剛 | Yajra |
小乘 | Hinayana |
大乘 | Mahayana |
金剛乘 | Vajrayana |
傳承 | Lineage |
解脫 | Liberation |
證悟 | Awakening |
佛性 | Buddha nature |
輪迴 | Samsara |
虹光身 | Rainbow body |
菩提心 | Bodhicitta |
菩提薩埵 | Bodhisattva |
虔誠 | Devotion |
迴向 | Dedication |
種子字 | Seed syllable |
積聚福德 | Accumulation of merit |
積聚智慧 | Accumulation of wisdom |
觀想 | Visualize |
惡行 | Negative act |
善行 | Positive act |