1st Kalu Rinpoche during his second visit to Taiwan in 1988.



一. 藉無上皈依境之悲諦力,藉善行之根,及藉發清淨崇高心,願我能單獨靠自身的努力,為滿虛空、遍法界的一切眾生消除痛苦。


二. 藉世出世間殊勝善行,願我能滿眾生之希求,恰如其意。

三. 願我之身體、血肉、皮膚及諸其餘,皆能善巧利益一切眾生。

四. 願曾為我母之眾生所有痛苦,皆融入於我;願我所有之樂與善,皆為其所得。

五. 只要世間尚存,願我心中無一剎那起害人之念。

六. 願我能精進利生;無一剎那因憂傷疲倦等情事而懈怠。

七. 願我能對一切飢渴貧困眾生,施其所求之樂,不加造作。

八. 願我能肩負重擔,承當地獄等處眾生難忍之苦,並願其皆得解脫。

 以上祈願文 - 〈大士八念〉 - 為噶瑪讓貢昆洽(卡盧仁波切)所作。引自《法》一書最後一章。


Eight Thoughts of Great Individuals

 1. By the power of the truth of compassion of all the supreme refuges, these seeds of virtue and this pure noble motivation May all the suffering of sentient beings who are as extensive as space be cleared away through my own efforts.

 2. By excellent virtue, both ordinary and transcendent, may the hopes and wants of beings be fulfilled.

 3. May the flesh, blood, skin, and other parts of my body be useful to any sentient being who has need of them.

 4. May the suffering of all beings, my grandmothers, be absorbed by me. May they all receive my virtue and happiness.

 5. As long as I dwell in the world, may not a single thought of harming others arise in my mind.

 6. May I strive energetically for the welfare of beings, not faltering even for a moment from discouragement or fatigue.

 7. For all beings who are poor, hungry, or thirsty, may I be able to give them whatever they want effortlessly.

 8. All the great burdens of intolerable suffering, such as the hell realms, may I take on myself. May those beings be free of them.

 Composed by Karma Rangjung Kunchab (Kalu Rinpoche), translated by Ken McLeod. From the last chapter of the book The Dharma: That Illuminates All Beings Impartially Like the Light of the Sun and the Moon.


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